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Shibori-Style Upcycled Yoga Bolsters

August 1, 2024

Two blue and yellow yoga bolsters that have been shibori tie dyed resting on a black yoga mat

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These yoga bolsters were my first foray into fabric dying and I am so delighted with how they came out.

Tabby cat sitting on a red yoga bolster

I acquired two red bolsters when a yoga studio I was teaching at closed down in 2020. The owner of the studio asked the teachers and staff if we wanted any of the studio’s yoga props, so I trekked down there and lugged these 2 giant bolsters plus 4 thick blankets back home with me.

One yellow yoga bolster cover in a pot of murky water on the stove and one red yoga bolster cover on the counter next to the stove.

I was sad about the studio closing, but the owner was ready for new things. And it appears that for something new to blossom, something must decay.

Yellow yoga bolster covers tied up in different patterns with rubber bands

This shows up in nature over and over and over. Like how an animal dies and decomposes and their body becomes the soil that helps the tree grow strong and tall. Then when that tree falls down at the end of its life, over time it becomes a hollowed-out log for animals to shelter in from rain and predators. And then those animals die and the cycle repeats. Every night that turns into day and every wave on every beach and every breath we take follows this same repeating cycle.

The tied up yoga bolster covers dyed blue, sitting in an empty pot on the stove

I guess because it is so prevalent in nature, this cycle shows up in spiritual and religious teachings as well to give us support in the unknown in between space. From my study of yoga I know a bit about the Hindu Gods of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer who continuously create, preserve, and destroy the universe so it can be created again anew. Tarot cards share this wisdom too, with the Death and the Tower cards promising something bright and new on the other side of the pain of destruction.

Two wet yoga bolster covers laid out on the floor. One has a grid pattern and the other has a circle pattern. The base is dark blue with yellow patterning.

I feel this in myself all the time. There are versions of myself that no longer exist that I mourn for, but don’t relate to anymore. Those past Katrinas have dissolved (sometimes kicking and screaming) to nourish the version that I am now. And this cycle will continue for the rest of my life.

Two yoga bolsters on a wooden floor. One has a grid pattern and the other has a circle pattern. The base is dark blue with yellow patterning.

This project reminds me of these stories and concepts because not only did the yoga studio have to close for these specific bolsters to be in my possession, but the red dye had to be removed before I was able to add new color. The yellow results were unexpected and I felt in real time how scary the middle, uncertain place between destruction and creation can be. I couldn’t turn back but the path forward wasn’t promised. I think that’s why so much ancient support offered around this place continues to endure.

Close up of two yoga bolsters. One has a grid pattern and the other has a circle pattern. The base is dark blue with yellow patterning.

To see the process, check out the video here!

I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day and thank you so much for being here!

💖, Katrina

Two yoga bolsters on a black yoga mat with a brown tabby cat perched on one of them. One has a grid pattern and the other has a circle pattern. The base is dark blue with yellow patterning.

Purchased Supplies

Rit Color Remover
Rit Indigo Dye
Rit ColorStay Fixative



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